This is Mt Jefferson from here you can see so many of the mountain ranges.
Sky Watch Friday
Today we went for a walk to a place that is very popular in Bend and that is Pilot Butte. We have lived here for 15 yrs and have never made this climb before. The weather was perfect for this kind of a climb, it is 1.75 miles one way,And a climb UP the hill. For 2 people that is really out of shape, this was a work out for us. But the view once we got there was amazing. I will post more photos later on as well. Click on the photos for larger version
Pilot Butte is an instinct volcano, it is a cinder cone which rises nearly 500 ft above the surrounding plains. Bend is one of the very few cities in the United States with volcanoes located within there boundaries

This is Mt Jefferson from here you can see so many of the mountain ranges.

This is Mt Jefferson from here you can see so many of the mountain ranges.
Old doors: wondering what's behind them

Klamath Lake
Nearly 30 miles long and up to eight miles wide, and covering 133 square miles, the lake is largest body of freshwater west of the Rockies, filling a basin created when the earth's crust dropped along fault lines on both sides.

I thought this cloud looked like Flipper, what do you think?
Expressive hand gestures
Italian language is reach on expressive hand gestures, they are different from region to region and the most popular is this way of communication in Naples, I think. First of all, because historical origins of this language is different as in other parts of Italy. For different centuries kings of the region had roots in Catalonia, so the dialect of Naples is more easily comprehensive for Catalonians as for Italians -and the gestures dialect too.
The best example is "yes".
What do you do, when you say "yes"? Probably you bend your head forward down-up.
If you are Bulgarian, you rock it left-right.
Neapolitan click with the tongue and bend the head up-back.
Nothing terrible, if you don't understand it.
Sometimes gestures language is not so innocent as we think about it. When you plan a trip in a place that you did not visit before, you have to control the most popular and offensive gestures common for that place. To understand where they've sent you, at least.
An other popular gesture is "ok"
Something like in this photo.
Very well -if you are American or Russian
Great job -the hand moves from right to left "closing a zip" -in Italy
it has indecent sense in Brazil
offensive -you are zero -if you show it to a person in France or Germany
money -in Japan
I'll kill you -in Tunisia
Go to devil -in Siria
Do you understand? Take your hands well bended, when you travel!
Different sources. Maybe not very attendible (my opinion). Correct me, if you find errors.
The best example is "yes".
What do you do, when you say "yes"? Probably you bend your head forward down-up.
If you are Bulgarian, you rock it left-right.
Neapolitan click with the tongue and bend the head up-back.
Nothing terrible, if you don't understand it.
An other popular gesture is "ok"
Something like in this photo.
Very well -if you are American or Russian
Great job -the hand moves from right to left "closing a zip" -in Italy
it has indecent sense in Brazil
offensive -you are zero -if you show it to a person in France or Germany
money -in Japan
I'll kill you -in Tunisia
Go to devil -in Siria
Do you understand? Take your hands well bended, when you travel!
Different sources. Maybe not very attendible (my opinion). Correct me, if you find errors.
The ebb and flow of Crete's cafe society

ABC Wed. Letter "F"
" F" for Flowering Cactus
" F" for Flowering Cactus

" F " for Friends gathering for a Birthday Party
" F " for Fire
" F " for Fence

" F " for Friends gathering for a Birthday Party
" F " for Fire
5 Star Blog Award

Julie or better known Green Bucksteacherjulie in the blogosphere gave me an award called the 5 Star Blog Award.
Thank you Julie for my very first award.I am glad that you enjoy my traveling photos.
Now, I bestow this award to the following wonderful bloggers ,quintarantino ,Sandy Carlson ,imac ,Old Wom Tigley ,RuneE For there continued support.
Blasting Questions answers

Saturday i posted some photos of the blasting they did for the new Sonics Restaurant that is going in next door. And some of you had some questions that i would like to answer.
I can't believe they did any work that made a disruption to households before 8:00 AM
Why are they doing this?
Located in the Deschutes National Forest is Newberry National Volcanic Monument near Bend, where NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin trained for lunar explorations between 1964 and 1966. Today, visitors can walk alongside the world's largest obsidian flow, trek through the Lava Cast Forest, venture into the Lava River Cave, climb to the top of Lava Butte to examine the region's ancient volcanic features, and visit the Lava Lands Visitor Center.

They dug this hole so they can put in storm drain pipes.
And the last photo is the truck that hauls off a lot of the rocks to have recycled for smaller rocks .
Blue Chairs: imagining Greece, the perception & reality

Biosphere 2

Last year we went to the Biosphere 2 I did a short piece on this back in 2007 but i wasn't really blogging yet and really didn't know how to add photos all that much so didn't get but a few photos on, but i did want to share this again. Click here to find out more about the beginning of the tour.

This was there kitchen area

This is one of the labs

If you click on this next photo you may be able to read part of what there life was like

Part of the rain forest

If you ever get to Arizona stop and check it out, they are now doing some other research there.

Sweets in Crete: loving those little extras!

Wonderful food in Tuscany

All the products that you can at "Hosteria Vecchia Rota" are very good because the Oste only take the best products that he can find changing them depending on the season of the year. If you have the opportunity to be in Marciano in Tuscany in July or in August I would strongly suggest to ask for "Pici all Ocio". Ocio is a big withe duck that you can eat almost only in summer and it is really one of the best meat in the world!
Hosteria Vecchia rota has not got any website so unfortunately I can not put the link for you but if you wish to go I just put below the telephone number and the address.
Hosteria Vecchia Rota
Via XX Settembre 4
Marciano della Chiana
tel: 0575 845362
cell: 335 5912812
If you wish to go I would strongly suggest to call them and to ask for a reservation as it is a very popular Osteria and many locals go every day.
My best regards for all of you!

Yesterday they came by and took photos of our place, the Bombers i call them, I asked the guy what he was doing and that is what he told me, they want to make sure there will be no damages once they blast. I told them they never did it before when the put the cable company in next door.
So anyway at 7:15 am this morning they came and knocked on the door saying that they were going to be blasting in 20 minutes. Well here they are preparing for it.
And here is the blast , boy we felt it in the kitchen almost like it was under us. wonder if it did move the building .
Memorable meals

Sublime travel scenes

Sky Watch Friday

Every Friday
Please click on Photos for better viewing
I took this driving down the road at Lake Havasau
Another time at Quartzite Az.
Do you see the jet ? Photo needs to be large
I took this one last night after the eclipse which i couldn't get one photo to turn out , which really ticked me off. So i hope to see some of yours .
Multiple exposure

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