View Tuscany from a steam-engine locomotive
I must say Tuscany has a truly distinctive charm, a certain loveliness that pervades quite nearly every corner and square of its landscape. Perhaps one thinks about a coach congested with people on their way to work or a bullet train. But we rarely consider a slow moving, luxurious in its pace, steam engine locomotive. Nowadays we don't have time for that, or so it sadly seems. Yet when one is traveling and on vacation, one should like to fall back into that time when things were slowly cultivated and enjoyed. I for one try to bring this philosphy to my life on a daily basis.
I was so fortunate to one day happen upon a notice for il treno natura. Itwas serendipity, pure and simple. At the time I was staying at a delightful villa, Villino Nociano, in Siena with my family and fiance. So I headed out to the train station and asked about il treno natura, I was lucky to know that the following weekend, three days before we had to depart for the States, a special event was planned. I was able to book a reservation for all 7 of us at 25 euros each. At first it seemed somewhat pricey, but I don't think I would have been able to forgive myself for not taking up on this opportunity. It turned out to be quite spectacular in a calm and inspiring sort of way.
I cannot recommend a more delighful way to spend a saturday or sunday. This is a trip back in time and peace one should not miss.
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