Tasty Spaghetti Sauce

Easy, 123 steps to make a great tomato sauce for your spaghetti atr home.
The tuscan way calls for very simple ingredients and little effort. Nonetheless the resulting taste is great.
For four people you will need half a kilo of peeled canned tomatoes (pastene, cirio, pinecone are pretty good. Campbell's are just bad tomatoes) or canned cherry tomatoes, or fresh red flavourful tomatoes. Three cloves of garlic, a pinch of salt, three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, and few lwaves of fresh basil. At this regard I have to warn you: do not use dry basil. It spoils the whole thing.
Open the can of tomatoes, pour the oil in a large frying pan, chop the garlic and set it in the oil until golden. Pay particular attention not to have the garlic become brown or even burnt. Pour the whole content of the tomato can in the pan and stir. Add the pinch of salt. Some also add a little sugar (half a teaspoon) if the tomatoers are not that good.
Let the sauce become a little thicker stirring it every now and then. When it has reached the desired consistency remove it from heat and add the basil leaves that you can simply reap to large pieces with your hands. Stir then cover for five minutes, then stir again. The sauce is ready! Pour the spaghetti in and mix. Enjoy!
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