Today is Fathers Day,
Sure hope that all you fathers out there are having a good day.
Not having a father for several yrs i miss that part, my father died of a heart attack at the age of 47, and even at that i didn't know him, last i seen him was when i was 3, so don't even remember much of him.
I have always wondered what it would of been like to have had one. Not saying that i havn't had step fathers, yup 3 of them, can't say i ever considered them too much of a dad, more like a very distant friend , there all dead now.The last two had some good points, but the first wasn't worth a hoot, made life real hard for mom and myself.But she did what she had too i guess, he was a mean and drunken evil man. May the fires of hell burn his rotten soul to eternity. Ok i know that is really harsh, but he don't deserve anything better.
Today my stepdaughter Kim called Nevada to wish him a Happy Fathers Day, that was nice, as they don't keep in touch much. Life is so short. Altho he loves his daughter with every fiber in him, he just hates that dam phone. Its like its going to bite his ear off to use it. One day he is going to have to learn to use it.
Well anyway they had a nice chat, and her and i had a nice chat as well. Kim if you ever get to read this i enjoyed our visit.
Kim lives in Livermore Ca. and ha

This is Shirl
Isn't she beautiful?
And this is Joe, an artist in the makeing here,
would love to see some of his art.He takes after his grandfathers talent to art, those that don't know Nevada is very good with pen& ink art work. Altho he hasn't done it for a long time. Shame when people have talent and don't use it. Me i have zero talent.
So hope that you all have a great day and enjoyed yourself, and had all your loved ones around you.
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