So, I begin with the list of the best low-cost carriers (Forbes)
This year I travelled much with these type of companies and think they are good. The only problem I had was with EasyJet.
I prefer to buy tickets via Internet and there was written in my ticket: "Go directly to embark". I waited about 5-7 hours in airport for my flight and went directly to embark so as was written in my ticket. But it was not true. I had to register before and I didn't do it. If I felt good in that moment, maybe I had time to read more information in the time I had to wait, but I felt very bad and could not think about anything.
So I missed the flight because the confirmation mail had not right information.
And nobody from this company wanted to speak with me. For the team of EasyJet did not exist this passenger. The money they received from me, so what do you want else?
Other companies look for their passengers, call you 10 times to come to the place of embark, wait for you even if your airplane has to fly - so was with me before, with other companies, and this was the first time in my life that the customer service was so bad.
But the same EasyJet I found between the 3 best low-cost carriers of Forbes. The first is Jetstar Airways and the second is AirBerlin. In Europe.
What was the difference from low-cost ticket and normal price in one of the airplanes? Our places were in the tail of the vehicle and we had to buy coffee if we wanted it. The difference in price was about 200 euro for 1,5 hours flight.
The other notice is from Sweden.
In some of airports you will leave your finger-prints to check and then receive back your luggage. They say, it will help not only with terrorist's danger but the check up will be much more quicker and sure.
Something like this want to approve UE for the flights too. From February all the passengers will pass 3 types of control.
In airport of Naples they said me to undress completely (I don't joke) when a woman customs official saw a bottle about 30 ml of oil in my bag. Later I new that the law allows 50 ml of liquid to have in the bag. Without show striptease to presented persons.
Finally, if you read this post today, 30 January, you have time to win one of the prizes that other from the best low-cost carriers, Ryanair, will give to the best kissed couple in Dublin 31 January. 20 best of couples will have 50 euro prizes to fly with Ryanair on 14 February and all the best couple will sleep one night in one of the best hotels of Dublin.
So take your love and go to kiss her/him in Dublin tomorrow.
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