Rock Chuck Also known as Yellow-bellied MarmotI had to look this up and was surprised it was called that. Sort of interesting to read.Can't say i like them, when we first moved here and seen one i thought they were sort of cute specially the babies, Till one morning i awoke to not a carrot top in my garden, and my favorite plant was no more. Now they have become a real pain, poop everywhere, they will get into the hood of your car and chew on wires and what else they can get into. Nope can't say i like them much anymore.
Be sure to click on photos for better viewing 
Here is a baby sitting so still while i take his photo

We had to put this block over there hole so that no one will go out and step in there hole. As much as we don't like them we still don't have the heart to kill them, altho we think the cable company has put out poison .

Last weekend i was looking out the window and looky here, a whole bunch of Quails were under son's truck

And then i can't close without a couple of photos of my furry kids, Casey the cat and Princess

Casey and her get along very well they have a good understanding with each other that they established when Princess first came to us at 8 weeks old. If you havn't read my other blog about my furry kids, Casey is my thumb sucker when he is tired he wants to suck on my thumb, and knead my neck. So when Princess came home and also joined us on the bed, Casey took second spot for a few days and then he had enough one night, when he wanted mom's attention, and Princess got in the way again. He lifted his paw and wacked her on the head and looked at her and said "enough is enough its my turn and i was here first"
From that time on they have been buds ever since.
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