So last night I was wondering were the kitties were, as i have now decided that they need to be out more and socializing with the other cats,instead of just staying in the bedroom, so when i went to check on them this is what i found on the bed. Tom Tom and 3 of the babies sleeping together, Now you would think that momma cat would be the nurturer, but Tom Tom has really taken on the role of parenthood. He washes them and makes sure that they are all cared for. In fact i found the kittens later on looking for a titty to suck on and lordy lordy they found, and he allowed it, Have you ever heard or seen anything like it?
Well i think this next week we will be taking them in to be fixed, i think they weigh 2lbs about now. And then i can get on with trying to find homes for them. The lady at the CRAFT said she has someone interested in little Haley, and i must say it will be hard to get rid of her as she is about the only one that comes and sits by me or cuddles up to the other cats. She is so sweet and fiesty at the same time.Looks so much like my little Samont.
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