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Did you know that the biggest gottic cathedrals and monasteries are situated long the iteneraries of the medieval piligrimages?
I knew about it only some days ago. I've never thought it could be a precise plant to follow behind all these constructions. Now I wanted to go in depth with this question and found an interesting article (in Italian) about it. If you look on the map, is written there, you will see that all these buildings (cathedrals and monasteries) are distant more or less the same one from the other. It was because the piligrims could find place to sleep etc. every night. The important points were -in Spain (Jaca, Loarre, Frómista, San Isidro di León, Santiago de Compostela), in France (Sainte-Foy, Saint-Sernin, Saint-Gaudens, Saint-Sever).
Returning to the gotic cathedrals (the most beautiful for me) they say that they are "children" of Templars (Knights Templar Places In Europe ) and full of mystic symbols and similar. The style is completely new for that period and comes in Europe when Templars turn back from Palestine -about 1128.
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