The castel of Salerno was created to control the territory from the highest place over the town and it was used mostly for the defence. All the plan of the fortress that included the understanding town is so efficient that it was not necessary to live in the castel. The princes went only when it was necessary there, I think.
Some years ago the castel was repaired and now it's a splendid place where to go for a walk -with typical plants of the zone, some species of animals, normally living in the wild places here, and views that literally make you forget everything.
On the photo is the port of Salerno with a cruise ship in it and the Amalfi coast in the background.
The castel gave hospitality to a Festival of the classic music this year, and they decided to close musicians in the rooms of it. One artist told a love story of a princess Liutpranda to the guests and they were guided through the rooms, accompained by the classic and medieval music. There were many journalists, TV and many persons that wanted to partecipate on this event. Many of the guests, we too, thought, it will be a guided visit of the castel, but they wanted to present the musicians in this special way.
We wanted to see the castel before the show began and understood the idea of the presentation after we saw these strange cloistered artists:
They like to close the artists, the responsables for the tourism in the municipality of Salerno, you know. Some years ago they closed painters in a Cistersian monastery for a month. The painters had to create their artworks and than they could go out from the cloister.
You had to see those opuses! I think, they did not give them to eat too. Or maybe invented other kind of torture. At least it was the impression after I've seen what the painters created in that month.
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