More remodeling

I would of never thought that we would be remodeling the office again almost the way it was in the beginning, but here, 5 yrs later we are putting it back almost the way it was before. .They took the wall out so this is were it is now.Now that is a mess, the box on the floor is the phone system. he had to go back under the building to reroute the wires, he marked all the wires, then when it came back to hooking them up, the phone in the house wouldn't work, they messed with those wires for a couple of hours, when finally he decided to go back to make sure he had pulled all the wires back thru, sure enough he forgot one. So now all the phones lines are back and running for the rooms.
So here is where the desk ended up, surprising the desk fit just perfect in there,he was afraid that he would have to cut some of it off.After all the stuff, was moved over we relized that we had a problem,and that was the cords that i needed to connect to the internet and wifi was not long enough, NOT good, can't be without wifi,and we had to have the wifi box outside so people can connect from the rooms, so to fix the problem son went and got longer chords.. So all is up and running again.

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