Today, enriched with some better ingredient than the original receipe had, I present to you the Cavalucci of Siena!
Ingredients for 30 cookies:
150g of flour, 25 g of candy orange rind, 7g of anise, a teaspoon of cinnamon, half teaspoon of mixed spezie, 50 g of walnuts, 150g of sugar, half glass of water, one egg white, butter in order to grease the pan.
The procedure:
Put in one bowl the flour, the minced candy orange rind, the crushed anise seeds, the minced cinnamon, spices and walnuts.
In a casserole mix the sugar with the water and put on the fire to boil.
When boiling mix in all the ingredients that you have prepared before, stir well and remove from the fire.
Turn this dense paste upside down on the table that you have previously covered with a thin layer of flour, left to cool down.
Then with your hands wet with egg white work in the dough to form a homogenous mass.
Spread the dough with the wooden or pin roll to obtain small rumbles of the height of half inch.
Put them in the oven on one buttered and flour-sprinkled oven pan for half hour approximately at the temperature of 160 Celsius and let the cavallucci dry, avoiding to let them darken.
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