Warm colours, fine finishings, hand-painted tiling around the cooking area, maybe marble...
Yes, because Tuscany kitchens are mainly thought to please who is in them, cooking. By trying to enhance the comfort of the cook, the kitchen is actually enhancing the cooking abilities.
I guess you know how important kooking is in Italy and mostly in Tuscany, a region which has always kept its culinary roots very deep into the farmer tradition of simple ingredients.
Since the ingredients are simple they have to be good and the cook has to pair them up wisely, or the result will be just poor.
For example: Tuscany kitchens rarely have (or should not have) the so-called island, a very en-vougue feature of modern kitchens. Why?
The reason lay in the Tuscan cooking itself: with so many erbs to mix, garlic to chop and minch, vegetables, broths, little ingredients and so many passages between one stage of the cooking and another, do you really think a kitchen island is a good idea?

It is not, because you need continuity between the stove and the sink, with a large clean space in the middle where to work, let the ingredients rest, or works-in-progress be ready to enter into action. The island would just take up space from Tuscany kitchens.
In addition, let's not forget that traditionally, Tuscany kitchens are a free space where the family used to gather, warm up, discuss. That is why the Tuscany kitchen should be large enough to be elevated at the rank of eat-in kitchen.
So, your Tuscany kitchen will be "L" shaped, against the colder wall of the kitchen (fridge loves cold, the stove warms up the colder walls), entirely in wood or with wooden finishings, large and with a big entrance that embraces family and guests.

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