Yesterday we took another drive to China Hat, we have never been to the end of China Hat, so thought we would drive it all the way, Wow what a mistake that was, the roads were bumpy all the way, 20 mph. is about all we could do.A couple hour trip we thought, ended up being 6 hrs. Nice view tho. We ran across a Firemans Ranger station that looked like it hasn't been used in yrs.

Its too bad that they don't use it for something instead of just letting the buildings sitting there empty. Also there seems to be places that you can camp, with Rv's or tenting.

The place doesn't look that bad either, it was all fenced in so couldn't get up close to them to see if there was anything in there.

Found this tree along the road, sure lookes weird with those lines all the way around it, not sure what causes that. Do you ?
We kept driving and wondering were we might be ending up, there are many side roads as well that one could go on, but since we didn't have a forest map, we decided not to take any side roads. Then we saw the sign to Cabin Lake campground. Well we had seen that sign when we went to Silver Marsh. So decided to go and see what it had, we thought it was a lake, NOT SO! maybe many yrs ago, but i couldn't find anything on the internet to say there was either.

Now if your really into the boondocking this is a place to go, it has no water or toilets, but the campground is large, and out of the way, there was only one camper there,
Cabin Lake so don't think it gets used much.

There is also some pits that look like some vandalism took place some time back. The website on the Cabin lake tells a little about the area,
also this is a great bird watching area, but again it don't look like it has been used that much. Another forest service houseing not used again for some time.

From the campground you can drive down this dirt road and get to the back side of the forest rangers station, which is no longer in use, and then you come to this area for the bird watching.

Not sure what this was suppose to be but it was behind the fence, so maybe someone lived there.Not much information on this.
Well anyway now we know what is and isn't at Cabin Lake, if one wants a boondocking place this is it.
You can also get there from Hwy 31
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