A Visit today from our motorcycle friend Ray. He called this afternoon and said hey you home, why are you home? your suppose to be on vacation! Yup we are suppose to be, but have to wait till this friday to see whats up with the sale. So here we sit, waiting & waiting.
Ray just bought this Harley a while back. Why he got one i have no idea, i tell him he has gone back into his teenage yrs. I guess when your single you can have all the toys you want.
He lives in Roseburg. So it was a surprise to see him. Didn't stay long as he was headed over to Eugene to see his grandkids.
So today we went motor home shopping, well not really looking to buy again, but we wanted to check out the Host motor homes click to view photos, which are built right here in Bend.We have been wanting to see the inside of them for a long time now. They are very nice, for a family who needs extra seating in the cab it is great, for two people, we don't need all that extra seating, it sort of a waste of space. And for the price well not for us.But they are very nicely done.
So then we thought we would look at the Seneca's
There are a nice motor home as well with lots of storage bays. One thing our motor home doesn't have.
Well it was fun looking.
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