Well today we decided that we better go looking for a tow bar so we can get the jeep ready for towing on our vacation.Stopped at 3 different places to get prices. Geesh they want a fortune for the base plate and of course they want to do everything else to hook it up, Nevada said he can do the rest himself, but now has decided that he can do it all himself for the prices that there wanting. $90 an hour and they say it takes at least 2 1/2 hours to do that. One place said it would cost $700 another said $600 .
So our friend Sharon and Richard have a tow bar, so they are selling it to us for $200 hopefully they will be able to ship it right away. Nevada will order the base plate tomorrow and hopefully it will be here no later than Tues. Hopefully we will be going on vacation next week.
Realtor was suppose to be here this morning so that we could sign off on the earnest money, since today was the deadline, never got a call or he never came by. I guess since the sale didn't go thru he doesn't seem to be too concerned about it.
Don't ya just hate it when people tell ya they are coming and never call or come to say there not, This has been the way its been with him, thru this whole time since we listed the place.
Gave Princess a bath, look how sleepy she is .Usually she wants to play with the towel and run all over the house , but not tonight she was one sleepy girl.

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