Well we have decided to take the motel off the market for now, and since we did , Nevada has decided that things need to change in the laundry room, So him and son Jan started to tear down the walls , we have this little cubby hole that really served no purpose accept to throw stuff in that we weren't using. So he tore out the wall, Many yrs ago it was a restroom, don't know why they stopped using it but all the plumbing is still there accept of course the sink and the toilet.
So here is the wall that he took out and the beams also came out.
And here it is all open with no shelves in there and no wall, yesterday they got it all patched up, so now they have decided to move the washer and dryer there. So of course a small project has turned into something a little bit bigger.And more time consuming. Not saying that we don't have many other things to do before the weather gets so much colder. Will keep posting the new progress as they go, Oh yeh and they also had to replace the floor . Which they will have to do as they move things around.
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