I read now an interesting article where a male-traveller tells about so many good things that is possible to learn if travelling alown. Between these things are responsability, self-reliance, indipendence, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual growth, care for their own self, learns how to love itself...
Maybe I'm not right and my friends-males that read this blog will not agree with me, but I think it can be written only by a male, this list. Because female have to learn all this without travelling. Maybe I'm not right.
I had to travel alown all my life and do it mostly alown today too. Because my husband has not interest for this. So from my experience traveling alown is sad. First. A partner can give you necessary help in some cases (one goes to ask for information, other remains with a car in a place where it's unpossible to leave a car, for example). Finally, for a woman it can be dangerous (in some cases a simple presence of a man nearby can protect from bad conseguences).
Travelling alone is good too. You can do what you want, plan your trip without problems related on other person. ecc ecc
But if you do it always, it's sad.
My opinion.
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