Well as you might remember last week we acquired a new kittie, not by choice. So here is Tom Tom finally let out of the bathroom for some time to get to know the house and the rest of the family, oh and also to make sure he uses the cat box as we didn't know for sure how he was going to do on that since he was used to being outdoors.
Yup he found the shoes and had a great time playing with them
So the report on progress in our house is this on the new member. He has adjusted well, knows were the cat boxes are which is wonderful, surprisingly all the cats have taken to him,which is so surprising to me, and he just fits in like he has always been here. Now Princess still not sure about him as he had hissed at her in the beginning.
Ok so we are still not sure what to do with him, as the days go buy it will get harder and harder to give him away, but also have to be realistic we are not getting any younger and having a history of long life expectancy in our household they will out live us and then what? Who will care for them, no one will want them and care for them like we do. One of the problems we are facing by taking in young ones, Do you ever think about that when taking in babies? Of course your age has something to do with it. Ours being 70 and 60 . TC our oldest is 23 + now and still holding very well.
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