Ok another cat i don't need, the guy next door came by yesterday and asked me if i had a kittie, i said nope. He said there has been one hanging around his place the last few days, he has a cattering business. Anyway he said i think its really hungry, of course he wouldn't feed it, and being the animal lover i am i just can't let an animal go hungry. Well you can tell the poor thing was starving, his little ribs were just sticking out there, he acted like he wanted to be petted but as soon as you got close he would take off, so i got some food, water and oh my he was in heaven, he just ate and ate. Have no clue as to were he came from as its not like we have houses around here.
Well he started going under the 5th Wheel but would come out just to eat and run off when you tried to touch him, finally tonight when i went down to feed him he still didn't let you near him, so later my son called me and said do you want me to try to catch it as he is right by me, i said yes, well here he is and what a loving kittie he is, just loves all that petting , he now is laying in the cage all full and somewhat relaxed trying to sleep. A belly full and yes he is loved, oh dear does someone close by want a loving kittie, i already have 10 and one more day of having him i won't be able to let it go.
Ok so i am getting some really bad looks from the other kids not good right?

Here is son scratching his chin, i have a little potty box in there just in case he has to potty,Oh dear Princess is having a few words about all this, sittin on the couch looking and growling. Kind of funny

Look at those pretty eyes, how can one resist?A couple of towels a nice clean towel a full belly, what more can a kittie who got lost ask for.
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