This is Freckles he is a special needs kitty, he will only eat canned food, no matter how much i have left him go hungry he will only eat the can food. Great kitten, i would let him be adopted but only if someone was willing to feed him canned food.
Here is Brooster and Alice, Brooster being the smaller one, I got her when she was only a day old, cold and frail she was found by someone at a trailer court and he didn't know what to do with her, well she is well and healthy and spoiled rotten, being 6 weeks old now she still isn't eating on her own, still wants a bottle and to be fed out of a syringe with chicken baby food, darn if she don't eat the whole jar now. Alice the bigger black kitty is very special to me as i had her when she was only 16 days old along with 4 other siblings who all died. She is so sweet and loving, absolutely loves to be cuddled . She comes to bed and loves to curl up by your neck. Such a sweetie pie......
Anyways we left for vacation last month on the 17th of Sept. and we are now making our way back home. Funny how a month can go by so quickly when your away from home.
Anyway they are all great travelers in the motor home along with there big cages that i have had to make room for so that they are secure when we are driving, but watch out when we are parked as they make good use of that time running all over the motor home. Can't wait to see what there going to do when they get home... Oh yes i have 3 other babies that we took along as well.
Anyway will start posting about our trip to Utah and Az
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