This morning started out fairly good, warm all night long, they say hot today. We left about 9 am to hit the stores before it got too hot. Miss Princess does not like to go bye bye,She is protesting here, says i am not going you can't make me!. Well its either go or get beat up by Precious who takes a swat at her every chance she gets. Its kind of cute to watch them. As Precous walks around her with her fur in the air, and Princess dances around her growling and barking. But always watching to make sure that i am in sight so that i can rescue her if Precious comes after her.
Anyway went to Walmart to get cat food, a lantern and of course the weeks movie,Then went to Grocery outlet to buy some other stuff and off to Costco, for the rest of the stuff. Jaynee called and said that they were going to leave the campground tomorrow as well, and we will meet them along with Cindy.
Then later Sharon called and said that they were also leaving tomorrow but
Here is the two big boys, Tittertat and Oliver sleeping together, I think Oliver now is outweighing Tittertat. Altho T has so much flab hanging there, wonder if they do tummy tucks on cats?Cause his sure is hanging down on the floor.
Here is P and Buttercup playing together with a little mouse, couldn't get a shot fast enough when P thru it in the air and Buttercup grabbing it.
I swear her name should of been Tasmania Devil. She sure keeps the cats active, other than Tittertat, and for some reason he just ignores her.
Well i will sign off, Still have to finish cleaning up the kitchen . Wash the truck in the morning as we will also take it with us.

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