I did find out that our vet was open till 1 pm so had to wait till 9 to call, finally called and wouldn't ya know it, there was no dr available as the one that was suppose to be there had an emergency at home, so was not going to be in, seems like everytime we have had an emergency with a pet they have never been available, so have always had to take them to another vet. Irritating.
So i called the vet we had Tittertat too before with the same problem. They said to bring him in. Well we got there and the vet said that to be on the safe side they had better take some blood work to make sure that nothing else was going on either. So they said let us do a estimate work sheet to see what the cost was going to be. Well he had to have blood work, an IV for the 3 hours that he was there, and then the Enema, so the total bill was $380.00 . $80 bucks more than 5 yrs before. Geesh and they say no inflation.
Well we left him there and went to pick him up at 4:30 the vet said, well we filled him up pretty good BUT he has not gone yet so hopefully you will get him home before he has to go. He said boy he did not like me giving him that enema or the jelly medication that i am suppose to give him twice a day by mouth, I said yeh i knew he was not going to like that as he don't like anyone even coming close to his hiney at home. Due to the last time he had to have this done.
So the only good news is that he has lost weight which i wasn't sure he had done but according to the scales at the vets, he now weighs 20 lbs instead of 32 lbs. so that is good news. Vet said to continue doing what i was doing, just cutting it down a little bit more. Well once he takes a poop maybe he will even weigh less who knows.
It is now 7:30 pm and so far he still has don

Well maybe later i will go and give him a massage and see how that stimulates him.
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